Forensic Art
Forensic Art is the artistic technique used in the identification, apprehension or conviction of a wanted person. A visual aid used in the identification of unknown deceased person. In addition, forensic art can be admissible in a court of law during expert testimony.

Post Mortem Reconstruction ( 2-D and 3-D Facial Reconstruction )

This consists in the rebuilding of facial features of unidentified, badly decomposed or human skeletal remains. These are created 2D by sketch or 3D with clay. Post-mortem drawings are the facial drawings created by viewing photographs or the remains themselves of an unknown deceased person and are used for identification. In these cases the bodies are relatively intact and not as decomposed
2-D Forensic Facial Reconstruction-Two-Dimensional Facial Reconstruction

Is based on ante-mortem photographs and the skull. This method consists in adhering tissue depth markers in specific anthropological landmarks of an unidentified skull, then photographing the skull, realizing 1:1 frontal and lateral photographic prints. These prints are then used in combination with transparent vellum for facial drawings

3-D Forensic Facial Reconstruction-Three-Dimensional Facial Reconstruction

The Anatomical Method consists in creating the form and facial details of a skull through modeling of the facial muscles. The depth of the soft tissues is obtained through placing of tissue depth markers in specific anthropological landmarks. The objective of the facial reconstruction is to create a similarity with the deceased person.

The American Method consists in using of average facial tissue thickness tables relating to age, ethnic group and gender. Tissue depth markers are placed on the unidentified skull according to the Frankfurt plan, then layers of clay are shaped following the most appropriate parameters. The first step is a technical one that consists in gathering info, preparing the skull, placing tissue depth markers and creating the facial contour. The second step is more artistic where the facial characteristics are created and the head is finished.

Caucasoid race male

Negroid race male

Mongoloid race female

Caucasoid race child

Skull with missing mandible